Sunrise Allied Health Services

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Occupational Health Services

At Allied Sunrise Health Services we are dedicated to offering high-quality Occupational Health Services. We are promoting a safe and healthy work environment, and helping organizations meet their occupational health and safety obligations.

occupational health service

Understanding Occupational Health

Occupational Health Services involve a range of initiatives designed to protect employees’ health, safety, and well-being in the workplace. These services play a vital role in preventing work-related injuries and illnesses. It enhances employee productivity and fosters a safe and healthy work culture. Our services are customized to meet the special needs of your organization and employees.

Types of Occupational Health Services

Our wide range of Occupational Health Services is personalized to meet the diverse needs of organizations across various sectors:

  1. Health Surveillance: Regular health checks and screenings to identify potential work-related health issues early.
  2. Risk Assessments: Identification and assessment of potential health and safety hazards in the workplace.
  3. Health Promotion: Implementing programs and education to promote general health and well-being among employees.
occupational health service
occupational health service

Symptoms and Signs

Occupational Health can be instrumental when there are signs such as:

Occupational Health and Treatments

Here are some of the key treatment areas in our Occupational Health Services:

Workplace Risk Assessments

We conduct assessments to identify potential risks in your workplace, implementing strategies to mitigate these risks and prevent work-related injuries and illnesses strategies.

Health and Safety Training

We provide comprehensive training for employees and management on safe work practices, emergency procedures, and the proper use of protective equipment.

Workplace Modifications

We recommend and help implement necessary changes to the physical work environment or job roles to accommodate employees’ health needs and ensure their safety.

Rehabilitation Programs

We assist employees in returning to work after an illness or injury, providing support and strategies to make the transition back to the workplace enjoyable and secure.